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View overlooking beach in Itacare, Brazil
Eco-tourist enjoying the dunes of Lencois Maranhenses
Macaws in Brazil's Amazon region

Welcome to the Brazil Blog of Aventura do Brasil!

We, as expatriates, share our knowledge

We are pleased to share news, trends and curiosities about Brazil with you here. Given that we live in Brazil, we constantly acquire new experiences that we do not want to keep to ourselves, be they funny, informative or adventurous. In our subsections (Sports, Culture, Adventure, Lifestyle, Social Engagement, Eco, Events and Travel Advice) the Aventura do Brasil team regularly collects new insider knowledge and summarizes it for you on our Brazil Blog.

Our aims are not strictly limited to enthusiastic Brazil fans. We also hope to reach newcomers with our passion. This material also serves as a wonderful resource in preparing for your trip.
Wouldn’t you want to know where the most beautiful beaches and hiking routes are in Brazil? Our Travel Advice section gives it all away.
Are you an adventure junkie seeking not just relaxed beach getaways but real action? The Adventure section provides you with great ideas.
Did you know that Havaianas and coffee make great souvenirs? Maybe you just want to learn from humorous, confident and unbiased Brazilians? The Lifestyle section provides further information.
Is there a Brazilian national sport besides soccer? Learn more in the Sports section.
If you are an advocate of eco-tourism, the Eco section will show you the most interesting Brazilian destinations.
Would you like to identify and champion social initiatives? No problem. In the Social Engagement section we present some projects that you can visit and support.
Do you like to celebrate and party? The Events section will shed light on when and where this is best done in Brazil.
Brazil also has a lot to offer for culture enthusiasts. In the Culture section we draw your attention to such highlights.

Benefit from the insider knowledge of the Aventura do Brasil team and read carefully so that you can come up with exciting anecdotes for your next social gathering. Check our blog regularly and always stay up to date with the latest news in Brazil!

The "Encontro das Águas" in the Amazon is a fascinating natural phenomenon in which the dark Rio Negro and the sand-colored Rio Solimões flow side by side for about 6 kilometers without mixing. This spectacular meeting of the waters is caused by differences in color, temperature and flow velocity of the two rivers. To experience this natural spectacle up close, boat tours and hikes accompanied by experienced guides are available.

Ilha Grande is a large island near the coast of Rio de Janeiro, known for its impressive landscape with mountains, waterfalls and pristine beaches. The island impresses with many beaches that are ideal for swimming, sunbathing and snorkeling. Numerous hiking trails lead through dense rainforest and offer breathtaking views.

Chapada dos Veadeiros is a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Goiás, Brazil, known for its breathtaking waterfalls, shimmering quartz crystals and impressive biodiversity. The landscape offers spectacular views with highlights such as the imposing Cachoeira Santa Bárbara waterfall and the Vale da Lua, a valley of glittering crystals. Visitors can explore picturesque viewpoints and enjoy the rich flora and fauna of the national park.

Brazilian churrasco is a culinary experience that is deeply rooted in the country's culture. This traditional barbecue method originated in the Pampas region and is now celebrated in churrascarias, traditional barbecue restaurants. Churrasco is not just a meal, but a communal ritual that embodies the spirit of Brazil and can be replicated at home.

Learn the most important information about the Berrante horn, which can be recognized from afar by its deep and unique sound. Discover how it is rooted in the traditions of rural cultures in Brazil.