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Climate and Best Time to Visit Bom Jardim, Brazil

To help you plan your trip to Bom Jardim, here is some important information about the regional climate and ideal times to travel.
Bom Jardim is located in the state of Mato Grosso with tropical climate. Due to the city’s location in the southern hemisphere, the seasons of the year are opposite of those we know in Central Europe. However, given the near negligible difference in temperatures, the rainy and dry seasons serve as the principal distinguishing markers of the year.
Here you will find all the travel packages and further information about the region.
The dry season lasts from May to September. During this time, you will experience an average of only 0 to 50mm of rain per month in Bom Jardim. During the dry season, high temperatures average around 30 to 35 degrees during the day, so the weather is usually very warm. Occasionally, however, it can also cool down with lows of 18 to 21 degrees. Sun lovers can experience an average of up to 8 hours of daily sunlight during the dry season, which is considerably more than during the rainy season.
The rainiest months fall between October and April in the surrounding region of Bom Jardim. Between 100 and 280mm of rain on average are recorded during these months, and temperatures are much more consistent than during the dry season. Daily high temperatures average around 31 to 33 degrees and low temperatures rarely fall below 21 degrees during the day. The hot and humid weather can often be perceived as sultry. During the rainy season you can experience an average of about 5 hours of daily sunlight during your trip.

Climate diagram of Bom Jardim, Brazil

Best Time to Visit Bom Jardim

A stay in Bom Jardim can usually be planned as a destination on your trip to Brazil year round. To help you identify the best time to travel that fits your vacation preferences, please note the following information:

During the rainy season there can be heavy downpours all the time. This means that some roads may not be very passable. When traveling to Bom Jardim during these months, be sure to always have good rain protection with you and find out which regions and roads are accessible.