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Climate and Best Time to Visit Tefe, Brazil

To help you plan your trip to Tefe, you will find below some useful information about the regional climate and ideal times to travel.
In the North of Brazil, the seasons are not very pronounced and temperatures vary only slightly. Therefore, the year in Tefe is divided into dry and rainy seasons. The tropical climate is accompanied by high average humidity of about 90%. The continuously hot weather is therefore mostly perceived as very muggy.
Here you can find all the travel packages and further information about the region.
Tefe has daily high temperatures of 31 °C to 32 °C (88 °F to 90 °F) year round. These readings can sometimes go significantly higher. Low temperatures are only between 22 °C and 23 °C (72 °F to 73 °F). Temperatures below 20 °C (68 °F) can be felt only on rare occasions. Even at night the temperatures do not drop significantly and it usually remains warm and humid.
The rainiest months are from December to May with average rainfall of 210 mm to 300 mm (8.3 in to 11.8 in) per month. Heavy rainfall must be constantly expected in the Amazon and Tefe, especially in the late afternoon. June to November is usually a period with less rain. During this time, average rainfall in Tefe is between 100 mm and 200 mm (3.9 in to 7.9 in) per month.
Travelers will enjoy the maximum amount of daily sunlight (5 to 7 hours) from June to October.

Climate diagram of Tefe, Brazil

Best Time to Visit Tefe

In general, Tefe and the Amazon are worth a visit year round. The great variety of animals and the rich vegetation are unique and will make your vacation very special.

The driest months fall between July and September, but rainfall must still be expected constantly. From June to early October the water level in the Amazon is at its highest, which is especially important for river cruises. When the water level is low, it is often not possible to navigate through some of the side rivers.

from USD 725
4 to 8 Days of Nature and Adventure
Brazil | Amazon, Tefe

Uakari Lodge is about a one-hour flight west of Manaus in the Brazilian Amazon region. The local airport in Tefe is 1.5 hours away from the Mamiraua Reserve, where Uakari Lodge is located. This last part of the transfer is made by boat.