Climate and Best Time to Visit Olinda, Brazil
For optimal planning of your trip to Olinda, you will find below some important information about the regional climate and ideal times to travel.
The seasons in Olinda are opposite of those we know in Central Europe. However, they are not very pronounced and warm to hot weather is prominent year round.
Here you can find all the travel packages and further information about the region.
The year can be divided into a rainy season and a dry season. From March to July it rains considerably more than during the other months of the year, with average precipitation around 240 mm to 350 mm (9.4 in to 13.8 in) per month. From August to February it is drier with only 40 mm to 200 mm (1.6 in to 7.9 in) per month.
During the dry summer (December to February), travelers will feel average high temperatures of around 30 °C to 31 °C (86 °F to 88 °F) and only rarely does the thermometer drop below 22 °C (72 °F). The winter (June to August) is very rainy, nonetheless the weather in Olinda is always warm with temperatures between 20 °C and 28 °C (68 °F to 82 °F). In the spring and fall you can expect warm weather with occasional rainfall.
Water temperatures are between 26 °C and 29 °C (79 °F to 84 °F) year round. While Olinda is located directly on the Atlantic Ocean, it does not have its own beach. Those who travel to the city usually have plans in mind other than just a beach getaway. The neighboring city of Recife has a beach, but due to an increased presence of sharks it has become dangerous to swim there. Beach getaways are more than doable in nearby destinations, such as Porto de Galinhas, where beautiful sand beaches and natural swimming pools eagerly await your arrival.
Best Time to Visit Olinda
In general, Olinda is an attractive destination year round, as the tropical climate is warm to hot throughout the year and there is often a refreshingly cool wind blowing from the Atlantic. Apart from summer clothing, it would be wise to take a light jacket when traveling to Olinda, or a rain jacket when traveling during the rainy season.
During the rainy season from March / April to July there can often be heavy rainfall and thunderstorms, especially in the late afternoon and evening. For discovery tours and city explorations, drier months should be chosen if possible. Since Olinda itself is not considered a beach resort, the summer months from December to February with their high temperatures may also be less suitable (depending on your personal temperature preferences) to explore the city.
The wonderful colonial combination of Olinda and Recife is the perfect gateway to the Fernando de Noronha archipelago – a UNESCO World Natural Heritage site. Olinda, also a UNESCO Heritage site, offers its visitors colorful historic houses and centuries-old baroque churches and monasteries. Recife is named after the reefs on its beautiful Boa Viagem beach, while the city also offers impressive contrasts between old and new architecture. Your accommodation will be the charming and comfortable Pousada dos Quatro Cantos in Olinda.